ECG Case 258 Interpretation

This post is an answer to the ECG Case 258

  • Rate: 84 bpm
  • Rhythm: Sinus arrhythmia
  • Axis: Normal
  • Intervals:
    • PR – Normal (~140ms)
    • QRS – Normal (100ms)
    • QT – 360ms (QTc Bazette 425 ms)
  • Segments:
    • ST Elevation in leads II, III, aVF (1-2mm)
    • ST Depression in leads I, aVL, V1-3

  • Additional:
    • Dominant R waves lead V1-3
    • Prominent T waves leads V2-3


Inferior ST elevation with posterior involvement

Inferior ST elevation with posterior involvement
Inferior ST elevation with posterior involvement

What happened next ?

The patient was taken for urgent angio which showed a isolated spontaneous dissection of OM1. The lesion was not stented and the patient was treated with medical therapy and anti-coagulation.

Subsequent echo showed normal valves and right ventricular functions with left ventricular mild-moderate infero-lateral-apical akinesia with an EF of 52%. The patients initial troponin T was 37.4 ug/L.

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection

  • This is a very rare phenomenon found at ~0.1% of all angios
  • Affects young people with a mean age of 35-40 years
  • Major predominance for females accounting for 70% of cases
  • Etiology not fully understood
  • Associations with peripartum, trauma, and connective tissue diseases
  • Can occur in the setting of atherosclerotic disease and no cause may be found
  • Higher risk of complications with PCI so the majority are treated with medical management