Abdominal Pain in the Emergency Department
Work-up for abdominal pain begins with resuscitation and exclusion of critical diagnoses. Then, through a detailed history and physical, consider all the causes of abdominal pain...
Work-up for abdominal pain begins with resuscitation and exclusion of critical diagnoses. Then, through a detailed history and physical, consider all the causes of abdominal pain...
A stroke is a focal neurologic deficit due to a vascular lesion that lasts for more than 24 hours. About 80% are due to infarction secondary to thrombosis or embolism, and 20% are due to intracerebral hemorrhage...
Thyrotoxicosis results from an excess of circulating free T4 and free T3. Hyperthyroidism indicates thyroid gland overactivity, resulting in thyrotoxicosis...
Hypothyroidism results from deficiency of thyroxine (T4) or tri-iodothyronine (T3). Common presenting symptoms include tiredness, lethargy, weight gain, cold intolerance...
Cushing's syndrome is the result of chronic exposure to excess glucocorticoid. This is most commonly iatrogenic secondary to glucocorticoid administration. Addison's disease is primary adrenocortical failure...
Epilepsy refers to a group of conditions in which paroxysms of abnormal electrical activity of cerebral neurones results in seizures. Seizure disorders can be divided into two main groups...
Acute kidney failure is a rapid decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) sufficient to cause uremia. Oliguria (below 15 mL per hour) is often a feature, although nonoliguric renal failure can also occur, particularly in...
Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to maintain sufficient cardiac output to meet the demands of the body, despite the presence of normal filling pressures.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is defined as a condition in which there is chronic obstruction to airflow due to chronic bronchitis with or without emphysema
Peptic ulcer disease most commonly occurs in the duodenum, followed by the stomach, esophagus, and jejunum in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, or after a gastroenterostomy, or in a Meckel's diverticulum with ectopic gastric mucosa.