ECG Case 95: Normal ECG with Q waves and inverted T waves in lead III

ECG Intepretation

  • Sinus rhythm, rate 88/min
  • Normal conduction
  • Normal axis
  • Q wave in lead III but not in leads aVF and II
  • Inverted T wave in lead III but not in lead aVF and II
  • U waves in leads V2–V3 (normal)

Normal ECG with Q waves and inverted T waves in lead III
Normal ECG with Q waves and inverted T waves in lead III

Clinical Interpretation

A Q wave and/or an inverted T wave in lead III, but not in lead VF, is a normal variant. If lead III is recorded with the patient taking a deep breath in, the changes will often normalize as shown below.

Disappearance of Q wave and T wave inversion in lead III with inspiration
Disappearance of Q wave and T wave inversion in lead III with inspiration

READ MORE: ECG Interpretation-All you need to know