ECG Case 257 Interpretation

This post is an answer to the ECG Case 257

  • Rate:
    • Ventricular rate 42 bpm
    • Atrial rate 84 bpm
  • Rhythm:
    • Irregular atrial activity
    • Short P-P (Green) followed by long P-P (Red) – see image below
    • The shorter P-P interval occurs when a ventricular (QRS) complex occurs between the P waves whilst the longer P-P interval occurs when there is no ventricular (QRS) complex between the P waves
    • This phenomenon is known as Ventriculophasic Arrhythmia
    • 2:1 AV Block with ventricular (QRS) complexes only occurring after every second P wave

  • Axis: LAD
  • Intervals: QRS – Prolonged (160ms)
  • Segments: Subtle ST elevation leads II, III, aVL
  • Additional: RBBB Morphology


  • 2:1 2nd Degree AV Block
  • Bifascicular block
    • RBBB + LAFB
  • Ventriculophasic Sinus Arrhythmia
  • Symptomatic Patient with syncope

What happened next ?

The patient was referred to the cardiology team and had an uneventful PPM insertion.

What is Ventriculophasic Sinus Arrhythmia ?

This ECG is a nice example of ventriculophasic arrhythmia, this phenomenon can be seen in up 40% of cases of complete AV block and, as in this case, can be seen with 2nd degree AV block also.

You get a shorter P-P interval when there is an associate QRS complex with a longer P-P when there is no QRS between the P waves.

Several mechanisms have been proposed including alterations in sinus node perfusion related to ventricular contraction and the mechanical effects of atrial stretch. To make things more confusing there is a much rarer paradoxical phenomenon when the P-P is longer when a QRS is contained between them. It is important to recognized as the P-P variability may be mistaken for other ECG features such as U waves for example.