Old Inferior MI

ECG Interpretation

  • Sinus rhythm, rate 77/min
  • Normal PR interval
  • Normal axis
  • Prominent and deep Q waves in leads II, III and VF, indicating an inferior infarction. There are also small Q waves in leads V5–V6, but these may be septal
  • ST segments normal, with no elevation in the leads showing Q waves
  • Inverted T waves in leads II, III and VF

Old Inferior MI

The Q waves in the inferior leads, together with inverted T waves, point to an old inferior myocardial infarction.

What to do next?

The patient seems to have had a myocardial infarction at some point in the past, and by implication his vague chest pain may be due to angina. Attention must be paid to risk factors (smoking, blood pressure, plasma cholesterol), and he probably needs long-term treatment with aspirin and a statin. An exercise test or a perfusion scan will be the best way of deciding whether he has coronary disease that merits angiography.

READ ALSO : Summary of ECG Interpretation