ECG Case 76

  • Post category:ECGs

A 60-year-old man is seen in the outpatient department complaining of breathlessness which began quite suddenly 2 months previously. He had had no chest pain.

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ECG Case 75

  • Post category:ECGs

This ECG was recorded from a 60-year-old man seen in the clinic because of severe breathlessness, which had developed over several years. His jugular venous pressure is raised. What do you think the problem is?

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ECG Case 74

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45-year-old woman had complained of occasional attacks of palpitations for 20 years, and eventually this ECG was recorded during an attack. What are the palpitations due to, and what would you do?

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ECG Case 73

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This ECG was recorded from a 65-year-old woman admitted to hospital as an emergency because of severe chest pain for 1 h. What does the ECG show?

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ECG Case 72

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This ECG was recorded from a young man seen in the outpatient department because of chest pain which appeared to be nonspecific. How would you interpret the ECG and what action would you take?

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ECG Case 71

  • Post category:ECGs

This ECG was recorded from a diabetic man who was admitted to hospital because of the sudden onset of pulmonary oedema. What do you think has happened?

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ECG Case 70

  • Post category:ECGs

This ECG was recorded in the A & E department from a 50-year-old man with severe central chest pain that radiated into his back. The pain had been present for 6 h. What do the ECG show and what would you do?

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ECG Case 69

  • Post category:ECGs

An 80-year-old woman, who has apparently been treated for heart failure for years, complains of nausea and vomiting. Does her ECG help her management?

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