Lump Above Right Buttock
This 58-year-old woman stated that she had noticed a little lump above her right buttock some 10 years previously...
This 58-year-old woman stated that she had noticed a little lump above her right buttock some 10 years previously...
2-year-old child presented with shortness of breath on playing and multiple short episodes of loss of consciousness...
A 25-year-old woman with a history of rheumatic fever in childhood presented with repeated episodes of respiratory tract infections and shortness of breath...
This 28-year-old civil servant presented to his family doctor with a painless swelling on the dorsum of his wrist...
A 65-year-old man presented to the Accident and Emergency Department with crushing chest pain and shortness of breath...
The image is a close-up of the scalp of a female hospital cleaner in her late sixties. She presented to the surgical outpatient clinic stating that she had first noted these lumps a couple of years before...
A 55-year-old non-smoker presented with progressive exertional shortness of breath for 3 years. He was previously a construction site worker for more than 20 years...
This man, a lorry driver aged 60 years, reported to the accident and emergency department with this unpleasant looking and painful lesion on the neck.
A 70-year-old chronic smoker for 50 years presented with exertional shortness of breath for 1 year...
This 55-year-old woman developed this painful and tender lesion 2 days after a scratch on the neck...