ECG Case 186: Widespread Subendocardial Ischaemia

This article is an answer to the ECG Case 186

  • Rate:  102/min
  • Rhythm: Sinus
  • Axis: LAD (-30 to -60)
  • Intervals:  
    • PR – Prolonged (200 – 240ms)
    • QRS – Normal (80ms) 
    • QT – 440ms (QTc Bazette 310ms)

  • Segments:  
    • ST Elevation aVR (3-4 mm) V1 (3mm) V2 (2mm) 
    • ST Depression I, II, aVF, aVL, V4-6
  • Additional:  
    • Notched P wave in lead II, possible biphasic P wave in V1
    • Poor R wave progression


  • Most marked abnormality is ST elevation in aVR, V1-2, with ST Depression I, II, aVF, aVL, V4-6
  • Also 1st Degree AV block and possible left atrialenlargement (P mitrale)
  • This pattern is most consistent with a LMCA occlusion (STE aVR >/= V1) 
  • LMCA occlusion associated with a high mortality (aVR STE>1.5mm up to 70% mortality)
  • Could also be proximal LAD lesion or severe 3-vessel disease (3VD)
Widespread Subendocardial Ischaemia most likely from LMCA occlusion or proximal LAD lesion or severe 3-vessel disease (3VD)
Widespread Subendocardial Ischaemia most likely from LMCA occlusion or proximal LAD lesion or severe 3-vessel disease (3VD)


  • Urgent liaison with cardiology is required
  • Need to discuss reperfusion therapy based on available resources / local policies
  • Consideration of likelihood of requiring CABG is needed as this may affect initial drug therapy, particularly clopidogrel or prasugrel due to increased incidence of post operative bleeding

What happened next ?

  • Patient was reviewed and admitted by cardiology team
  • Planned for urgent angiography
  • Patient declined intervention
  • Re-presented with APO and cardiogenic shock