ECG Case 193 Interpretation

This post is an interpretation of the ECG Case 193

  • Rate: ~155 / min
  • Rhythm:
    • Regular
    • Flutter waves ? – best seen in precordial leads esp. V3 with rate ~300bpm
  • Axis:
    • LAD (-66 deg)

  • Intervals:
    • QRS – Prolonged (160-200ms)
    • QT – 360ms (QTc Bazette ~ 270 ms)
  • Segments:
    • ST Depression in V2-4, II
    • T Inversion in V1-3, I, aVL, aVR
  • Additional:
    • RBBB Morphology with discordant ST changes
    • 3rd & 19th Complexes morphologically different – Fusion ?
    • Nil Concordance
Atrial Flutter 2:1 Block with either pre-existing RBBB or rate-related RBBB
Atrial Flutter 2:1 Block with either pre-existing RBBB or rate-related RBBB


  • Broad Complex Tachycardia
  • Differentials:
    • Ventricular Tachycardia
    • SVT with aberrant conduction (pre-existing or rate related)
    • SVT in setting of pre-excitation
  • Right Bundle Branch Block Morphology
  • Left Axis Deviation

Our diagnosis is:

  • Atrial Flutter 2:1 Block with either pre-existing RBBB or rate-related RBBB
  • Bifasicular block

What happened next ?

  • Old notes revealed history of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation and a pre-existing RBBB (same morphology as this ECG)
  • Patient reviewed by cardiology
  • Initially treatment with adensosine with no response
  • Underwent DC cardioversion
  • Resultant rate – controlled Atrial Fibrillation
  • Therapy with oral amiodarone.
    • Dilated LV
    • Extensive akinese of infero-posterior and lateral walls
    • Severe MR
    • Mild Pulmonary Hypertension
    • Hypokinetic Right Ventricle
    • Mod – Severe systolic impairment.