ECG Case 199 Interpretation

This post is an interpretation of the ECG Case 199

  • Rate: 78/min
  • Rhythm:
    • Regular
    • Sinus Rhythm
  • Axis:
    • Normal (+45 deg)
  • Intervals:
    • PR – Normal (~200ms)
    • QRS – Normal (80-100ms)
    • QT – 360ms (QTc Bazette ~ 400 ms)

  • Segments:
    • Slight ST Elevation in Lead II
    • ST Elevation in V2-3 (~1mm)
    • ST Elevation in V4 (Variable magnitude with wandering baseline)
  • Additional:
    • T Wave Inversion in Leads I, aVL
    • T Flattening in V6
    • Positive T wave in V1
    • Biphasic T waves in V2-V4
Type 2 Wellen’s Pattern


  • Type 2 Wellen’s Pattern
  • High lateral ischaemic changes
  • Anterior ST elevation
  • Patient requires urgent cardiology consultation given high likelihood of critical LAD lesion and risk of anterior wall AMI.