ECG Case 205 Interpretation

This post is an interpretation of the ECG Case 205

  • Rate: ~42 bpm
  • Rhythm:
    • Regularly irregular
      • Complexes occurring in paired group
    • Flat baseline without atrial activity
  • Axis:
    • 1st Complex in pair
      • Normal (70 deg)
    • 2nd Complex in pair
      • LAD(-45 deg)

  • Intervals:
    • 1st Complex in pair
      • QRS – Normal (80ms)
      • QT – 520ms
    • 2nd Complex in pair
      • QRS – Normal in limb leads, Prolonged in V1-3 (80-120ms)
      • QT – 440ms
  • Segments:
    • 1st Complex in pair
      • ST Depression in leads II, aVF
    • 2nd Complex in pair
      • Minimal ST elevation in lead aVR
  • Additional:
    • 1st Complex in pair
      • T wave inversion in II, III, aVF
      • Biphasic T in lead V3
    • 2nd Complex in pair
      • RsR’ Morphology in V1-3
      • Inverted notching terminal portion QRS in II, III, aVF also positive notching in aVL
        • ? Retrograde P waves ? Secondary to conduction delay
Escape bigeminy in setting of sinus arrest / sinus exit block
Escape bigeminy in setting of sinus arrest / sinus exit block


Escape bigeminy in setting of sinus arrest / sinus exit block

Differential of causes:

  • Ischaemia
  • Electrolyte disturbance
  • Acid-base disturbance
  • Cardiotoxic drugs
  • Sinus node dysfunction
  • Hypothermia
  • Multifactorial combination of above

What happened next ?

Bloods showed:

  • Acute on chronic renal failure
  • Metabolic acidosis – pH 7.0 Bicarb 7.0
  • K 6.0

Therapy with isoprenaline, sodium bicarb, cessation of cardiotoxic medication, and dialysis.

Following acute episode found to have sinus pauses on telemetry necessitating pacemaker insertion.

READ MORE: ECG Interpretation: All you need to know