ECG Case 212 Interpretation

This post is an answer to the ECG Case 212

  • Rate: Mean ventricular rate 78 bpm
  • Rhythm:
    • Complex rhythm
    • Alternating broad & narrow QRS complexes
    • Complexes #4,6,8,10
      • Sinus
      • Narrow Complex ~70ms
    • Complexes #1,3,5,7,9,11,13
      • Premature ventricular complexes (PVC)
      • Broad complexes (~140ms)
    • Complex #2
      • Preceded by abnormal p wave
      • PR interval very short (~70ms)
      • Premature junctional complex (PJC)

  • Axis:
    • Sinus complexes – Inferior (~90 deg)
    • Ventricular complexes – LAD (-65 deg)
  • Intervals:
    • Sinus complexes (#4,6,8,10)
      • PR – Normal (~125 ms)
      • QRS – Normal (70-80 ms)
      • QT – 480 ms
    • Ventricular  complexes (#4,6,8,10)
      • QRS – Broad (140 ms)
      • QT – 360 ms
    • Complex # 2
      • PR – Short (~70ms)
      • QRS – Normal (70-80 ms)
      • QT – 380 ms
  • Segments:
    • ST Elevation – Sinus Complexes
      • Leads V1 (0.5mm) V2 (2.5mm) V3 (6mm) V4 (3mm)
    • ST Depression – Sinus Complexes
      • Leads II, III
    • Note ST elevation evident in PVC’s in leads aVL,V2, V3
  • Additional:
    • Variable morphology ventricular complexes
      • #7 & #9 Notching QRS
    • Regular relationship between narrow complex and broad complex
      • R-R interval 500ms
    • Partial RBBB morphology in narrow QRS complexes
Acute Anterior STEMI with PVCs
Acute Anterior STEMI with PVCs


Acute Anterior STEMI with regular PVC’s and a single PJC.

Clinical Outcome

The ST segment changes were immediately recognised and the patient was transferred for urgent angiogram and PCI. His angiogram showed:

  • LM – no stenosis
  • LAD – occluded mid – PCI
  • Cx – no stenosis
  • RCA – dominant no stenosis
  • Left ventriculogram – Ejection fraction 55%