ECG Case 197 Interpretation

This post is an answer to the ECG Case 197

  • Rate:
    • Ventricular Rate 42 bpm
  • Rhythm:
    • Regular
    • Nil visible p waves
  • Axis:
    • Indeterminate
    • QRS Complexes in limb leads barely visible

  • Intervals:
    • PR – Nil p visible
    • QRS – Prolonged (200ms)
    • QT – 640ms (QTc Bazette ~ 510 ms)
  • Segments:
    • Slight ST Depression in V2, V3
    • Slight ST Elevation in II, III, aVF
  • Additional:
    • T Inversion in aVL, aVR, V1-3, ?? V4-5
    • Prominent T waves in inferior leads
    • T wave amplitude >>> QRS amplitude
    • Low voltage
Hyperkalemia on ECG


  • Hyperkalaemia
  • Toxic Drug Ingestion
  • Other Causes of QT Prolongation

The patient’s serum potasssium level was >8.5 mmol/L !