Painless, Pruritic Papules and Verrucous Lesions
A 41-year-old farmer presented to the outpatient infectious disease clinic with a 20-year history of slowly growing lesions on the right leg that had progressed over time to cause gait abnormality
A 41-year-old farmer presented to the outpatient infectious disease clinic with a 20-year history of slowly growing lesions on the right leg that had progressed over time to cause gait abnormality
A 9-year-old boy presented with chest pain and dyspnea.
A 66-year-old woman presented with a 7-month history of pruritic rash, fatigue, shortness of breath, and muscle weakness.
A 29-year-old man was referred to the hematology clinic with a 6-month history of progressive painless, nonpruritic skin lesions. He had no systemic symptoms, such as night sweats or weight loss.
A 59 years old man with underlying DM, HPT and hyperuricaemia, presented after a fall at home.
A 48-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a 2-week history of fever, shortness of breath, and painful, blistering skin lesions. His temperature was 39.2°C.
A 23-year old man was involved in motor vehicle accident. GCS on arrival at the emergency department was 13/15. An urgent non-contrasted CT brain was performed.
Examination of a 68-year-old man with interstitial lung disease was notable for skin changes characterized by alternating areas of hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation on sclerotic skin.
A 55 years old man involved in a motor vehicle accident complains of headache, his GCS is 14/15
A female infant delivered at term had a “blueberry muffin” rash at birth. Laboratory tests and imaging studies were normal. Skin biopsy showed a dense infiltrate of cells with kidney-shaped nuclei and positive S100+ and CD1a+ on immunohistochemistry. What is the most likely diagnosis?