ECG Case 224 Interpretation

This post is an answer to the ECG Case 224

  • Rate:
    • Ventricular rate ~145 bpm
    • Atrial rate ~290 bpm
  • Rhythm:
    • Regular
    • Flutter waves, best visualised in lead V1 (image below)
Lead V1 with atrial activity marked (red arrows)
Lead V1 with atrial activity marked (red arrows)

  • Axis: LAD
  • Intervals
    • QRS – Prolonged (140ms)
    • QT – 320ms
  • Segments:
    • Discordant ST elevation leads II, aVF, V1-5
    • Discordant ST depression leads I, aVL, V6
  • Additional:
    • Typical LBBB morphology
    • T wave inversion in leads I, aVL
    • Positive F wave in lead V1
    • Negative F waves in aVF
Atrial Flutter with LBBB
Atrial Flutter with LBBB


In this ECG the morphology of the conduction delay is typical of left bundle branch block (this could be pre-existing or rate related, need a sinus ECG to compare) without any features suggestive of VT with LBBB.

Also examination of lead V1 shows flutter waves at a rate of ~290 bpm, so the rhythm is Atrial Flutter with 2:1 conduction.