Anterior-Inferior-Posterior MI

Anterior-Inferior-Posterior MI
Anterior-Inferior-Posterior MI


  • ST Elevation in Inferior leads (II, III and aVF) , Q wave in lead III and reciprocal ST Depression in aVL (Inferior STEMI)
  • ST Depression in lead V1 and V2 (Posterior MI)
  • ST Elevation in lead V3 to V6 (Anterior STEMI)
  • The rhythm is marked Sinus Bradycardia with Escape Junctional resulting in Escape-Capture Bigeminy.
  • The marked Sinus Bradycardia is caused by the Bezold-Jarisch Reflex that occurs when there is activation of ventricular strech receptors located (primarily) in the inferior wall of the Left Ventricle and is commonly seen with Inferior MI. It causes depression of the sinus and/or AV Node, resulting in bradycardia or AV block or both.

READ MORE about : ECG Interpretation Summary