Atrial Flutter with 2:1 Conduction

Atrial Flutter with 2:1 Conduction
Atrial Flutter with 2:1 Conduction


  • Regulary Regular Tachycardia with rate of 150 / min
  • Left Axis Deviation (LAD) due to LAFB (Left anterior fascicular block)
  • QRS looks wide probably due to the LAFB or due to the flutter waves

This tachycardia is a good example of the “150 rule” – if the rate is close to 150/min consider Atrial Flutter with 2:1 conduction.

Flutter Waves Unmasked after AV Nodal Blocking Agent
Flutter Waves Unmasked after AV Nodal Blocking Agent

This rhythm strip, after giving AV Nodal Blocking Drug, proves that the rhythm is Atrial Flutter.

Read More about ECG Interpretation