ECG Case 187: Hypothermia

This article is an answer to ECG Case 187

  • Rate: 30/min
  • Rhythm:
    • Irregular
    • No P waves visible

  • Axis: Normal (+20 deg)
  • Intervals:
    • PR – no p waves visible
    • QRS – prolonged (160ms)
    • QT – 720-760ms (QTc Bazette 570-600 ms)
  • Segments: Inferior ST sagging
  • Additional:
    • Right bundle branch block
    • Terminal QRS Notching – J wave
ECG: Hypothermia (Bradycardia, Slow atrial fibrillation, J waves (Osborn wave), QT Prolongation)
ECG Case 187: Hypothermia (Bradycardia, Slow atrial fibrillation, J waves (Osborn wave), QT Prolongation)


  • Bradycardia
  • Slow atrial fibrillation
  • J waves (Osborn wave)
  • QT Prolongation

ECG Findings consitent with hypothermia. Patient’s core temperature was 28C (82F).

READ MORE: Hypothermia Algorithm