ECG Case 225 Interpretation

This post is an answer to the ECG Case 225

  • Rate: ~90 bpm
  • Rhythm:
    • Regular
    • Sinus Rhythm
    • Last complex PVC
  • Axis: LAD
  • Intervals:
    • PR – Prolonged (220ms)
    • QRS – Normal (100ms)
    • QT – 320ms (QTc Bazette 380-400 ms)

  • Segments:
    • ST elevation in leads III, V1-5
    • ST depression (minor) in lead I
  • Additional:
    • Q wave in V1-2 
    • QS Wave in V3-4
    • T inversion in leads aVR, aVL
    • Voltage criteria LVH – aVR ~1.2mV
Old anteroseptal MI with LV aneurysm
Old anteroseptal MI with LV aneurysm


ECG features stongly suggest an old anteroseptal MI, with Q / QS waves in precordial leads, a lack of significant ST depression, and a pain-free patient with a known previous ischaemic insult. This patient was admitted and investigated for dyspnea further with the following investigations:

Myocardial Perfusion Scan

  • Large anteroseptal and apical infarction
  • Small area of reversible ischaemia in the mid-to-basal anterior wall


  • Severely impaired systolic function
  • Large anteroapical aneurysm
  • No LV thrombus
  • LV ejection fraction 27%

READ MORE: Know the Differential for ST Segment Elevation: It’s More Than Just ACS